eTendering Popup

CA Types Info

Health: HSE affiliated bodies and state health bodies i.e.: State owned hospitals,section 38, section 39.
Education: This includes Educational Bodies, Schools and Colleges.
Defence: Bodies connected with the defence and security of the State. This includes the “Permanent Defence Force” and the “Department of Defence” (because it is the CPB for the sector).
Central Government: This includes all Government Departments with the exception of “Department of Defence” and all state bodies unless they belong to sectors “Defence”, “Education”, “Health” or “Local Government”.Justice Entries and NON commercial Semi-State bodies belong here. Also includes State funded cross-border agencies.
Local Government: LGMA affiliated bodies i.e.: Local Authorities
Semi State: Commercial Semi-State bodies
Non Sector: Northern Ireland bodies and Limited / private companies that receive grants from a state body. Also includes all foreign bodies using eTenders to publish competitions, ie: Scottish Government. i.e.: Ltd companies.
Other Grant Funded Bodies: Non-profit groups that are partition funded or receive grants from a state body i.e.: Charities, Community bodies, Sports Clubs, Individuals.