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Stand Alone Single Lot Single Supplier Contract Award Notice eForm fasdfadfadfa 05/03/2024 eForms Standalone CAN - Single Lot Single Supplier.mp4
eForms PIN for Information (Utilities Directive D25) This guidance video will instruct users on how to create a PIN using the Utilities Directive 19/02/2024 PIN 25 Notice Guidance_FINAL.mp4
eForms Change (formerly Corrigendum) Notice (Classical Directive D25) This guidance video instructs users on how to create an eForms Change (formerly Corrigendum) Notice using the Classical Directive 19/02/2024 eForms Change Notice Guide.mp4
eForms Result (formerly CAN) Notice (Classical Directive D24) This Guidance video instructs users on how to create an eForms Result (formerly CAN) Notice using the Classical Directive 19/02/2024 eForms Contract Award Notice Guide.mp4
eForms Conract Notice (Classical Directive D24) Guidance video instructs users on how to create an eForms Contract Notice using the Classical Directive. 19/02/2024 eForms Contract Notice Guide.mp4
eForms PIN for information (Classical Directive D24) This video instructs users on how to create a PIN using the Classical Directive 19/02/2024 eForms PIN 24 Notice Guidance_FINAL.mp4
video file test test video upload 18/12/2023 4. Offline Evaluation (1)_test.mp4
eForms - User Guidance for creating contract notices This document has been produced to assist contracting authorities in navigating through a contract notice using the new eForms standard 19/10/2023 eForms Contract Notice Guidance Document_October 2023_Final.pdf
Test Doc Test Doc 03/05/2023